Awaken Strawberry Cough with Battery


Strawberry Cough

This strain mild but distinctive taste and its expensive Experience have made it one of the most popular available in dispensaries today. Its appeal has even landed a mention in the apocalyptic movie Children of Men, as Michael Cane and Clive Owen share a joint of the good stuff.
Good for a daytime boost or an evening hang, Strawberry Cough shows how much deliberated and focused breeding can do.


Awaken Strawberry Cough

The initial taste is of ripe strawberries, without any hint of skunkiness or musk.
On the exhale, the strawberry flavor has some more sweetness. This saccharine berry scent lingers for a while after users have puffed

Strawberry Coughs Buzzy, thoughtful Experience settles in almost immediately.
Users may initially feel unsettled, but in the right set and setting, can embrace the sharp focus associated with this strain, its great for deep conversation, reading or working on tasks that involve some degree of creativity or problem solving
Strawberry cough can also impart an energetic feeling of motivation and intensity that’s perfect for plowing through more mundane tasks.
The opportunity for nonlinear and less traditional ways of thinking makes Strawberry cough a uniquely creative strain.
Its sense of euphoria and tendency towards chattiness also marks this as a great choice in lively social settings

Medically speaking, Strawberry Cough is beneficial in regulating entrenched mood disorders. As users feel a boost in energy and creativity, they may feel a dissipation in anxiety or stress. Some have also reported relief from painful migraines as well as less intense headaches

This strain mild but distinctive taste and its expensive Experience have made it one of the most popular available in dispensaries today. Its appeal has even landed a mention in the apocalyptic movie Children of Men, as Michael Cane and Clive Owen share a joint of the good stuff.
Good for a daytime boost or an evening hang, Strawberry Cough shows how much deliberated and focused breeding can do.


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